Monday, December 26, 2016

Download Americas Army Game Perang Menembak

Download Americas Army Game Perang Menembak

                            Backstab android Only 16 Kb!!!



 Gameloft has a history of taking major game franchises and creating similar experiences in the mobile space. These games are successful, and the reason is two-fold: their generally high production value and the fact that they offer console-like experiences that almost no other developers are making. Normally Gameloft does a great job at both, but its latest title, Backstab, is a disappointment. Yes, it takes gameplay cues from the likes of Assassins Creed and brings them to the mobile platform, but its too repetitious and unpolished to warrant playing through the multi-hour campaign
In Backstab, you play a swarthy Englishman named Henry Blake. Blakes been accused of treason and, after a daring escape, is now seeking revenge on those who turned their backs on him. Thus begins his quest of repetitious fights and countless filler quests that comprise the superficially lengthened campaign. Yes, there are plenty of side quests to do and most of the environments are fairly large, but the missions are boring things like races and fetch quests, leaving little reason to explore.
Blakes an adventurer and apparently an amazing assassin. Like Altair or Ezio in the Assassins Creed franchise, Blake can scale buildings, slay his enemies on a whim, and generally traipse around like a ninja. Unfortunately, thats where a lot of the similarities with Ubisofts franchise end. While Blake has assassin-like talents, hes rarely uses them. Most quests involve simply running from point A to point B, then having a button-mashy sword battle against a bunch of boring, stupid enemies. Even worse, are the fetch quests where you have to just run around the environment and gather things for one of the many cloned peasants that populate Backstabs world.
For a game that puts such emphasis on platforming and combat, Backstab does little to make either of them entertaining. Blake rarely uses his exceptional climbing skills for fighting, and the paths you can take during quests are usually so linear that theres no challenge or puzzle solving involved in figuring out where to go (half the time the camera pans around to spell it out to you first anyways). Fighting is equally mundane, with enemies who amount to little more than mashing on a single button to win. Most enemies are also just re-skinned versions of the same soldier, never forcing you to adapt your tactics.
Climbing around and fighting in Backstab is also cumbersome due to the imprecise controls. On the left side of the screen you have a virtual stick, while on the right side of the screen you have a melee attack button, a ranged attack button, a special power button, as well as the ability to adjust the camera by touching the blank parts of the right side of the screen. With the default controls, this resulted in times where Id accidentally attack when all I was trying to do is adjust the camera. Id accidentally jump to my death when I was just trying to move my character along a ledge. Im OK with games being difficult, but Im not OK with failing repeatedly because the controls are wonky. You can spread the buttons out in a custom control scheme as you see fit, but keeping them easily accessible means youll likely press them unintentionally.

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